Turbuleense concluding his 2021 FIFA season – Why?
BOV ePremier League
It’s no secret that Gianluca hasn’t had the best season of his career yet. Despite his myriad of opportunities, he was unable to seal the deal in the final stages. Some prime examples of these are during the BOV ePremier League and the FIFAe Club World Cup. In the MEPL Gianluca placed first in his group, winning over players like Kyle Calleja and Ryan Cauchi. This result got him seeded into the playoffs, but unfortunately he was taken down by Luke Bartolo in the first round.
FIFAe Club World Cup
Then in the FIFAe Club World Cup, Turbuleense was playing alongside Sanchez, representing Project Eversio. Here, they pulled off a miracle run to reach the playoffs in the final stages of groups, surpassing Fnatic, Borussia Dortmund, and many other teams. However this was all for nothing. As they got knocked out instantly in the first round of playoffs against TUNDRA Esports. It must have felt extremely gutting for the duo to get eliminated so early after such a heroic run.

FIFAe Nations Cup
The final stroke was probably after the FIFAe Nations Cup incident which we recently covered on our website. Here, Gianluca expresses his thoughts on the struggles they went through to try and qualify for the event. Unfortunately due to latency issues, he and Christian Sptieri were playing at a disadvantage, and ultimately they missed out on the playoffs of the main event.
“Overall my FIFA 21 season was a complete disappointment even though I gave everything I have got and sacrificed a lot. But these things happen in sports. You can’t always be the winner and with how recent FIFA titles are, the better player does not always win because there is no skill gap at the moment.”
Gianluca “Turbuleense” Sant, Maltese FIFA player
What’s next for Turbuleense?
In the very last few sentences of his statements Turbuleense mentions that after concluding his 2021 FIFA season he will be switching to XBOX. He expresses that Playstation isn’t a comfortable console for him, and will return to his main console for competitions. Now he’ll be taking a long break and enjoy the summer till the next FIFA releases. We wish Gianluca the very best in his upcoming season, and we’re sure that with his mentality he’ll be able to re-ignite his competitive hunger!